Wednesday 3 January 2018

Bye-bye to free single-use plastic bags.

A new year has begun, and, with it, great news for all of us who think there is no room for single-use plastic bags in our lives anymore.

Although many Spanish people are starting to bring their own reusable bags with them when they go shopping, some studies say that in Spain we used around 133 carrier bags per person in 2017. Only 10% of the bags we use are recycled. And we know what happens to the rest of them: they end up in landfills, in incinerators, or in water streams. 

The light-weight bags they give us in most supermarkets are the most dangerous and polluting kind. They are everywhere, they break easily and they are difficult to recycle, so they end up polluting rivers and seas with serious consequences on the ecosystems, on marine animals and on mankind.

It is clear that we need to reduce and finally stop using these bags. That is why a European Directive was introduced in 2017. According to it, all member states will have to change their policies. They have two options: 
- Limit the amount of plastic bags to 90 per person per year in 2020 and 40 by 2016. 
- Ban free plastic bags and charge for them.

The Spanish government has chosen the second option, and it has banned free plastic bags in our country. This means that, as of January 2018, all shops in Spain will have to ask their customers to pay a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 cents per bag. Prices may vary and they will depend on the types of bags we require.  For example, light and easily breakable bags will cost 10 cents (5 if they are compostable), and more resistant varieties 15 cents or more. Compostable bags will be a bit cheaper than non-compostable ones of the same weight.

As an exception, very light bags will still be free if they are necessary for hygiene or food conservation reasons, for example, the ones we use for bulk products or at the fruit and vegetables, fish, meat or cheese counters. 

So plastic bags will still be around and available. Still a lot of plastic... But we must remember that there are options for us. We can always say no to plastic bags and bring our own bags and containers with us. 

Looking forward to the day when we can say bye-bye to plastic bags for good.

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